Share Why You Love Vintage & Win A Night Out At VOC, London

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Mix Your Night Up With Vintage Style Drinks in London worth up to £60

 To celebrate the launch of our new blog, we are giving you the chance to win a night out sampling the best vintage style drinks worth up to £60 at VOC in London.
So if you are heading out this Christmas party season or looking for a reason to go to London in the January sales, enter now for the chance to win drinks and food courtesy of VOC in London.

With vintage style punches on the menu, it's really hard to be choose which one. Traditionally made with five ingredients including a spirit (either Dutch gin called genever or arrack made with coconut palm), punches have made a come back. 

With a collective of award winning mixologists and drinks enthusiasts VOC has created a phenomenal range of drinks inspired from a bygone era with a modern interpretation. They pride themselves with using seasonal produce and the latest molecular mixology techniques. Vintage looks like a trend that's here for good.

Check out the drinks menu!  I have to say I'm a White Port Tea lady myself with Earl Grey in a punch. A real twist that works for me!

So if you are planning a hen party, birthday or celebration, get your friends together over vintage drinks and let the ideas flow!

So let's celebrate. Enter by sharing why you love vintage here .

Good Luck,


The small print - 
Voucher redemption from 16th December 2014 to 31st January 2015.
One entry per person only.
One winner only.
The winner will be chosen at random after the competition closed at midnight on the 14th December 2014.
Competition held with Crafternoon Tea Hostess (Samantha Schofield) and VOC, London.
No cash alternative to be offered.
Crafternoon Tea Hostess will not share your data with  any other third party company.
For an email of the name of the winner please email after the 15th December 2014.
Please drink responsibly.

Vintage Style Stamps

Friday, 21 November 2014
I am always on the look out for smart, cute and quality crafty tools. I have to say, I've had self inking stamps made for me last year and they didn't print properly! How frustrating! So when Speedy Stamps asked me to review a this cute 2.5 inch square bespoke stamp (the size of a mini clear tape), I  was delighted to try it out.

I love stamps! They look vintage and quirky on thick water marked pretty papers and really reflect the retro look we have at Crafternoon Tea Hostess.
Clear printing each time with my new vintage stamp
Speedy Stamps wanted just one image from me and sent over a proof for me to check. We ended up doing two proofs to make sure it was perfect and they even amended the files at the offices as the website address was small.

I love the lovely old fashioned wooden handle of the stamp and the big ink pad that comes as standard with the stamp. No hunting for a ink pad that's compatible.

For me, the guys at Speedy Stamps turned the job around in a few days and hey..the details is really amazing...
They turned my image into a vintage stamp

I now have faith in using bespoke handmade stamps! Why not try getting one made for your Wedding or Christmas crafts?

Bye for now,

Samantha x

S - This is a sponsored post and all views are my own.

The #ccbloggers Derby Meet

Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Take A Group of Creative and Crafty Bloggers ...

Mix in a decopatch crafty project  +

paper, crafts, decoupage
Making Christmas decorations with Decopatch
A visit to a product photographers studio  +

photography, derby
At Holly Booth Photography new studio in Derby

Add a social media talk....

social media, derby
Social Myla Ltd giving us a social media savvy chat
Some creative projects....

journal, studio, creative
Daire from Open Way Designs fabulous creative journal

Lots of blogging tips and experiences ...

blogging, blog
Chatting over drinks in the Bean Caffe in Derby

And you have a Creative and Crafty Blogger Meet! 

Thank-you to all the lovely Midlands bloggers who came to Derby last Saturday. 

A big crafty thank-you to
 the following businesses who gave their time and services to make the day happen.

Bean Caffe Derby

Revolution Bar Derby

And the #ccbloggers

Caroline Gautrey – Putting Your Life In Order

Twitter @carolinegsbm

Laura Beardmore -  Erimini Designs

Twitter @eriminidesigns

Kat Reekie – A Krafty Kat               

Charlotte - English Girl at Home                                                      

Hannah KarimDainty and Ivory
  Twitter @daintyandivory

Sally Williams - Sally Bee Makes

 Twitter @sallybeemakes

Daire Paddy – Open Way Designs

Twitter - @DaireCharlotte

Emma Peake – Lily Allsorts

Twitter @ Emmalily84

Samantha Schofield - Crafternoon Tea Hostess

Kelly OHanlon - Too Become Mum

Twitter @ToBecomeMum

Follow us on #ccbloggers or be in involved or support us contact me,

Happy Crafting,


A Christmas Wreath Making Crafternooon

Friday, 7 November 2014
A Crafternoon in a Museum
Our crafternoon crafters making in the museum kitchen!
Last Saturday I packed up the Crafternoon cases and headed over to Pickford's House in Derby for an afternoon of wreath making fun. We had an afternoon tea to host as part of the afternoon of old fashioned crafty fun. I had looked forward to this event for ages!

It is early but it's great to be prepared for Christmas with our wreaths all made for December. V smug feeling I can tell you! The wreaths were inspired by the colours, fabrics and Christmas celebrations of the Georgian period, the time when the museum was a prosperous house in Derby.

Georgian inspired crafty wreaths
Here are a few pictures from the day, I've had a nasty bug this week and preparing for a blogger meet hence the delay in posting.

Our afternoon tea in the scullery

We put all the crafty materials around the kitchen

Wreath making with vintage afternoon tea
Our amazing setting at the museum

Our next Crafternoon is in December at Pickford's House where we will be making lovely Christmas ornaments!

Bye for now,
