14 Pictures of 2014

Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Blog meet goodies from #ccbloggers meet up. Brad got in my yarn stash!
Vintage -spired brooch making with 1940's rug making techniques
Daffodils corsages from a Spring Crafternoon tea
Embroidery project for a Crafternoon

Pretty Snowdrops from my vintage garden

Handmade rings made by old buttons and jewellery findings

China ready for a glamping Crafternoon tea

Dabbling with papercraft and silk flowers for a friend's birthday

Yummy classic sponge cake in icing and sprinkles

My love of vintage patterns for the #vintagepledge challenge

Summer roses and gift wrapping for Father's Day

Salt dough crafting at home
My very first Summer Wedding fair
A lovely photo shoot Christmas present to our family and friends captured by Marie-Louise Hall Photography

What are you top pictures of 2014? Drop me a link in the comments box and I'll pop over for a look.

Happy New Year!
