Styling The Seasons May, May May!

Monday, 1 June 2015

Well hello June and goodbye to May.

I couldn't leave May without a 'Styling The Season's'  post featuring new vintage china treasure I bought last week.  I took these pictures last Wednesday morning with the sun shining through the window's and I couldn't help thinking Summer might just be around the corner. And today's it's raining, the first day of Summer, so I am praying for sunny days now!

pretty china
I was lucky to find these pretty cups in a charity shop. I was walking past and spotted them through the window. It does happen from time to time and it's a lovely surprise. As my tea party side of my business is growing, I am now getting the odd chip and crack in my collection, so I need to update and replace from time to time.

 Each tea cup has seasonal flowers beautifully painting inside and outside of the cup and the month inscribed inside in pretty. I also found some beautiful matching tea cups with 'Mother' inscribed on them too.

One for Mothers at my tea parties
I picked these white daisies and beautiful cornflowers from my garden. These are the first bunch of garden flowers for 2015 and I love them. As I write tonight, the flowers are still in the vase on the kitchen table.
The first  2015 blooms

 I love the freshly picked garden flowers, the old fashioned cross stitch picture and the floral colour of the old fashioned china.
Plates and teacups in the May sun

Hopefully Summer days will be here soon, but in the meantime we can drink tea and brighten up our home with floral china cups.

Take Care,

Samantha x

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