Embracing New - Life Update

Monday, 19 September 2016


Well after a Summer of crazy and happy times, last week my little one started school. It's been five years to the week since I went on maternity leave and five years of being there for my little girl. No regrets, it's been the best time and looking back I won't have changed it for anything. I can't have those days back so we've embraced the moments. Then suddenly she's off onto new adventures.

Over the last week, I have been starting to sort through and work on some much needed home projects whilst we adapt to our new routine. It's taken my mind of the change. My unloved looking house is slowly becoming a loved tidy family home but it's empty of childhood laughter in the days. I think taking on this next challenge in Motherhood, the transition to school is huge, but needs to be embraced. Therefore, each day I'm taking on a little mini challenge to move forward with our home; paint a door, clean out a cupboard, new pictures of the wall....

I've also got so used to working unsocial hours, it will take some time for me to get used to being sat at my desk at 1.38pm on a Monday. But this time will give us more family time back and I now have more time in the day to spend on creativity; my (unloved) blog and Crafternoon Tea workshops which I love hosting. I'm currently downloading a Summer's worth of pictures of projects and Crafternoon Teas ready to share.

I recently read this blog post from Emily Quinton which echoes my thoughts about change. I have a list of projects so long and lots of exciting crafts to share both here and at my workshops. I hope that this is a new exciting chapter in our lives and although it's going to take a while to adjust; the work and life balance we will get right for us all.


Samantha x


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