Jam Making in 30 mins

Saturday, 6 September 2014
Homemade Jam

                                    jam making

I've had a glut of raspberries this Summer and decided to make jam as I was told it's simple and really rewarding. I've never ventured into jams and chutney's ..until now! (*drum roll*) but after being told by my most trust worthy sources (my family) that it was easy, I wanted to have a go. Previous nightmare stories I had heard included un-cooked jam, burnt jam and messy jam filled kitchen nightmares! I felt brave and here's my story with not a sniff of burnt jam insight!

Firstly I bought some Kilner jars with the click open lids instead of having to use paper, greaseproof and string as on conventional jam jars. You can buy a great range also from Ikea as well, this meant I wasn't spending my jams hunting for spare jam jars and filling the cupboards with them.

To get started, you need to sterilise the jars, simply wash them in warm soapy paper and then put them in the oven at 140C or similar. Roll them in on their sides in the middle of the oven ideally and leave for ten mins.

I followed this recipe as it was so simple and used a super jam thermometer from Kitchen Aid. Highly recommended.  A great tip is to freeze a few plates to check the jam sets! I froze three plates for my first batch and tested a teaspoon of jam on each plates to triple check.

A day later, we tested the jam  in sponge cake and on toast (just to double check, of course) and it was lovely.

So I'm really please to announce...we now have Derbyshire raspberry jam!

If you have any more tips for jam making would love to hear?

Bye for now,

Samantha x

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