Hand Quilting - Some Tips

Sunday 2 June 2013
Sharing Some Tips From My Quilting ...
I love quilting by hand, really relaxing and sociable too. You can take it anywhere as it folds up small, doesn't need a frame and you can make up little pieces as you go.

Here are my tips..
  • Always use fabrics with the same mix of fibres like 100% cotton quilters cotton. Then it won't shrink in the wash.
  • Stitch with 100% cotton so it won't pucker.
  • Make up your pieces in batches so it is more productive.
  • Use a strong tacking thread as you tack a lot!
  • Use at least three coloured fabrics for your design with a colour running through all of them.
  • Use colour magazines to cut out the templates as they won't rub off onto the fabric.
And enjoy once you get the basics you won't stop..I promise!

Happy Quilting

SS x

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