Creative Lifestyle Photography

Wednesday 12 June 2013
Bringing products to life...

Close up atmospheric of stitching to show it's handmade.
Yesterday I went on a course to understand a bit more about great product photography and how to use your camera. If you are like me and want to get the best out of your website and blog these types of courses are a must. The money is well worth it and I haven't been paid to say that! I hope you will see an improvement in my content from now on...

It gave me a real understanding of product / lifestyle photography, setting up moods and creating great shots. I learned a lot and met some inspiring people.

I learnt some simple tricks, like painting an odd bit of board as a backdrop or using a piece of fabric held behind a product.

Now I am practising at home on anything, I get 5 mins and I am stylising a little product set up in my kitchen.

I'll let you know how I get on in later posts...
Using lines to add angles and dimensions to paper craft

Happy Snapping,

SS x

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