1940s Inspired Crafternoon Tea

Monday, 13 April 2015


Over  the Easter weekend I was hosting a  1940s Crafternoon Tea for the build up to the Vintage Weekender at Crich Tramway Museum in Derbyshire.

Over the three days at Crich, we made over forty five pretty corsages inspired by the Make Do & Mend 1940s rag rugging techniques.

Crich Tramway Museum is like stepping back in time, from when you walk into the museum you are on a 1940s street with an old post box, signs, buildings and tramlines. Really quaint and the perfect backdrop to a Crafternoon Tea.

Onto the Crafternoon....

 I love vintage crafts, the kind of crafts you don't see anymore and rag rugging is one of them. The craft was developed as a need to make warm flooring for post War living. It uses scraps of fabrics which are bunched up and sewn or hooked using a tool similar to a crochet hook into a mesh. This technique was mainly used for matting or rugs. For this Crafternoon we were being inspired by it to make corsages.

These are the pictures that inspired the Crafternoon. Using scraps of fabric to make designs to add to the rugs.

We made using the vintage fabrics I had bought along and with the vintage china and cake, crafted away through the stashes of pretty fabrics. 

Here are a few pictures taken through the sessions...


 I love the fact that this lady wanted to model hers.


I really enjoyed my time at Crich Tramway Museum and want to thank the staff for their support for the Crafternoons.

Bye for now,

Samantha x

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