Creating New Year Plans

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

After 2012, comes a new year and new plans...

After a wonderful 2012, and now with a 14 month old baby, we are now looking to the future as a little family.
For me, being a new Mummy has be rewarding and challenging. I wanted to keep all my old identity, old hobbies and interests and old job and be a fabulous Mummy, Wife and Daughter. What I found was impossible reality, something had to go and with the demand of overseas travel and long working hours, last Summer I had to quit my job. After working since I was 15 (that's 22 years!) I now find myself in a tough labour market, over qualified and wanting to still keep my creative integrity. My only option at the moment to fit around family life is to be my own boss and challenge my own creative flair.
Now baby is sleeping for longer in the evenings and now Mr CIM is working normal hours, I am going to be working on projects and commissions to immerse myself in what I really love.
My first project is a wedding sampler for a 2013 wedding, I love the vintage linen fabric and the golden ribbons and over dyed vintage lace.
This is just the start of trying to balance my work/life balance. I would love to here how work life balance can work. Get in touch...

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