Little Fairy Cakes - My Foolproof Recipe

Saturday, 16 March 2013

My Little Fairy Cake Secret ....

Mmm fresh and from the oven...

I just love to make little fairy cakes, but sometimes when you are busy they are not as easy to do. The edges go biscuit like and the sometimes they are too dry or too greasy. A local farmers wife told me this trick and it works every time for me.

Weigh out your eggs first. The eggs all weigh different especially if they are free range. Then whatever the weight of the eggs, add equal amounts of butter too cream with the equal amounts of sugar. Beat the eggs and fold in equal amounts of self raising flour. Add a dash of cream and vanilla essence at the end. Pop into cakes and bake at 175C or similar for 20 mins.

A secret worth sharing.

Can you share any tips? Happy baking ..


  1. Love this secret my Mum has taught me to do the same thing, my boyfriend found it hilarious when he caught me weighing the eggs though. I'm not really sure why. :)
