Spring Into March...

Saturday, 2 March 2013

OOHH..What I Love Is The Sign Of Spring In The Garden..

With the brighter days and the birds happily singing away, it is now time to put a bit of TLC into the garden. Luckily, last years primroses and snowdrops have come up again to say a Springtime 'Hello', so it's not a 100% start from nothing. But a few additions here and there and some prep for the Summer can be done in a few hours.

This is what I did last week when I had a few hours in the afternoon to get out in the garden for what seems like the first time this year!

Refresh those Winter pots ...

I took a few trays of primroses and potted over the tired old Winter pots with Winter pansies looking like they were at the end of the season. In a few weeks I will give them all a proper Spring clean but until I get there I'll add a dash of colour.

Spring bulbs ..up they come!!

I potted these bulbs out back in December and up they come for the start of the warmer weather. If you need to cheat for Summer do the same, plant in planters with a dash of gravel or sand in the bottom for drainage and then plant the bulbs so you can transplant when you have re-ordered (sounds organised!) your beds.
A real cheats way of popping in a dash of colour when they are established bulbs. Just be careful not damage the roots structure when moving, I use a knitting needle to disturb the roots from the soil and plant in a large hole and fill in carefully.

Cheating Seeds for Summer Blooms...

I always do this, plant the seeds inside and place on the tops of my kitchen cupboards. Why the kitchen? Well it's warm and cosy for the seeds to start to germinate and save the costs of fancy heated seeds beds.

I plant about four packs of seeds in seeds trays with multipurpose compost, then cover with cling film and place on newspaper on the tops of my cupboards. Water and check regularly and within a week they will shoot up.

Summer seeds ready to be spring up!
If you can planting sweetpeas save your loo rolls and plant in these as sweetpeas love to get their little roots established early so need the length of a loo roll to make healthy plants.

Shoots in 1 week
Transplant around Easter and then harden by taking outside in the day.

Give them some love and they will sure to give you a fab garden come June.

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