My Food Snapping On Instagram!

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Good morning! I have just been looking through my Instagram feed and my I take a lot of pictures of food!!!

I think I am a frustrated chef waiting to run my own restaurant or something.. Here are a few of my pictures and the stories behind them...

Saute leeks and onions for an easy midweek dinner. Most of our midweek dinners start this way. Start with a few simple ingredients and then it turns into a spag bol, chilli, stir fry, risotto... I have a mantra - 30 minute dinners. Start them whilst L is getting a bath and finish when this is in bed at about 8pm ish.
For a family Summer party, I needed some really quick bites. I give you olive pesto breads. They went under the grill for a few minutes drizzled with olive oil and served with black pepper. Yum!
For the same party, I made up a stack of pastry and then made some little simple tartes with the same thirty pesto (see first post from last yr!) and sun-blushed tomatoes. Pop in the oven for 20 minutes (180C) and serve hot or cold.
These are some firey little green chillis given to me from my neighbour. How perfect are they for home-grown?

And finally... I was given a mini chalk board for my daughter but could not resist chalking it up. Just like I used to do in my waitress days - all those years ago when I was a student. I am looking forward a new kitchen soon, it is being designed by us at the moment. The grey work tops are going and so are the white tiles. More details on our lush new kitchen to follow...

Enjoy your weekend of food, snapping and Instagram, 


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