In a Hurry Curry

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Great midweek super when you need to eat quickly!

My general timing rule for a super is the time from when you get in the door to putting the food on the table. Twenty minutes is great if you have help with baby. If you are on your own with baby considerably longer..In a Hurry Curry can be a twenty minute dinner...


Curry Spices
2 teaspoons of dried ginger
2 teaspoons of freshly chopped ginger
2 cloves of garlic
2 teaspoons of dried coriander
6 cloves
1 red dried chili (about 2 inches long)
1 tablespoon of tomato puree
2 teaspoons of lemon juice (to make the paste)
1 large white onion
6 mushrooms
Half a squash (pre-cooked in the oven)
4 handfuls of spinach
Groundnut oil for frying

Go Create!

Take all the curry spices and grind up in a pestle and mortar, add the tomato puree and lemon juice to make a paste. This paste can be stored in the 'fridge if double portions are made.
Chop the onion and squash and slice the mushrooms. Fry in oil the onions and squash until the onion is golden and add the spice paste. Then add the mushrooms as simmer for five minutes. You may need to add water if the mixture is too dry. Add the mushrooms to lightly cook. At the end before serving, add in the spinach and turn out the heat and with the lid on, steam the spinach to keep the taste.
Serve with rice and nan bread.

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