Our 2012 Christmas

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Our family Christmas with a homemade touch...

After a busy few days of preparing for Christmas day I managed to host my first Christmas Day.
***my Internet connection went down so blog post lost half way thru!! update tomorrow***
So over the 12 days leading up to Christmas day I crafted my way through presents and treats and the odd decoration for the tree. This was my first Christmas dinner and with a 13 month old I was a little nervous of getting food from kitchen to table without a nappy stop or a teething moment!

I really put everything into the preparation, on Christmas Eve we had a tagine which freed up some of my time to make the veggie option. With a visit to Church for the annual Christingle service to go to I didn't want to feel stressed and not enjoy what the children had spent months rehearsing.
After Christmas Eve's tagine with couscous (bit festive with fruits and spices) I set to with my helpers to get all our vegetables chopped and in water ready for the next day. I even had enough time to make a handmade card for our kitty crazy toddler. That is real preparation on the food front.
I made our Italian Christmas cake a few days before and on Christmas morning whisked up some eggs,cream  and vanilla, sliced up the cake and layered it all in a oven proof dish with morello cherries and covered in brown sugar. Not too heavy for a pud.

For our Christmas lunch vegetables, I did roasted potatoes of courses and a new dish of roasted red onions with pomegranates seeds and basil. The fruits really lifted the palette and were a delight. I always do too much red cabbage! Braised in cinnamon and balsamic vinegar the cabbage really added some punch and colour.

The veggie option was a stuff roasted squash, stuffed with chestnut and walnut roast and the fish option was salmon with lemon and martini glaze (little sweet and bitter at the same time).


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