Vegetable Tagine

Sunday, 16 September 2012


Tagines - Prep Ahead and Slow Cook

Perfect, if like me, you need to cook supper at 2pm!


Sometimes it is really hard with a little one to cook a supper when baby needs a bath,a story and you want to eat something healthy and not out the freezer. This is a really easy and tasty dish you can make when baby sleeps (after lunch time) it takes you 20 minutes but all the chopping is worth it.

You Will Need -

1 red onion
1 carrot
1 yellow pepper
6 mushrooms
Half aubergine
Can of chick peas
Tablespoon of dried apricots
Handful of spinach
Handful of fresh mint (see post about mint gardens)
2 teaspoons Moroccan spice dried mix
1 clove garlic
250ml of vegetable stock
Salt and pepper

Go Create!

 Take your tagine. I bought mine from  Lakeland. Dice the aubergine and add a sprinkling of salt and cover with water in the tagine on the hob, cook fast for a few minutes. This will take out any bitterness. Add the onion, then add the garlic and spices to the aubergine mixture. Simmer. Chop up the remaining vegetables and add to the tagine with the chick peas and apricots .Cover with the vegetable stock and this is now ready for slow cooking.
Cook on a low heat for an hour in the oven until vegetables are tender. Chop the mint and spinach and add to tagine. Cook for a further 5 minutes.
Serve with cous cous and Moroccan mint tea with roasted pine nuts.


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