Lots of Celebrations = One Tired Mummy

Sunday, 4 November 2012

You know that feeling...

...when the guests have gone, the house is being cleared up and the dishes washes - we did it! We had a party, all are happy but my goodness I am tired!

It seems that we have crammed a lot into a few weeks. With Mr S (my lovely husband) travelling and being on my own with baby, I have tried to prepare for Baby L's first birthday in the only way I know. Plan, plan, plan.

Now that I am on extended maternity leave, being with a baby seems to be more than a full time job especially when you are with them all day and night. So my evenings whilst she is sleeping, I have been planning ahead, cooking, freezing and making.

I posted my cakes on line over the last week as a party is not a party without cake!

This cake was inspired by a french cake that I saw in a magazine a few years ago when working in France. I tore out the photo and put it in my notebook. It is so simple but really light and went down a treat!

We had a lovely party and Baby L stuffed as many snacks as I think she has ever seen and went to sleep straight away that night!

We had a black cat theme being so close to Halloween, I went down to the Craft Shop and bought a peice of black cart and cut out cat shapes and stuck them on the mantle peice.

I made little felt badges which were so easy and such a pleasure to make...

And finally we stampled onto glitter paper Happy First Birthday and hung it over the fireplace!

Links to all the first birthday projects...

And it was Halloween...

After weeks of growing my pumpkins, I made a halloween pumpkin and this yummy risotto with pearl barley - what a treat!

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