Making Memorable Patchwork Keepsakes

Friday, 9 November 2012

By Taking Fabrics That Means Something ..

 and making small patchwork samples, you have a test piece and a happy memory...

I made this cathedral window test about 25 years ago with my Grandmother. I remember how we choose the fabrics and then stitched away in her kitchen. I remember that it was a bright sunny day and this is why I chose this pinks and whites out of Gran's sewing box. This little memory piece is in my patchwork stash and it is a great reference and hopefully for years to come I can pass down my knowledge to my grandchildren.

If I have inspired you, get some spare fabrics, match the colours and follow the tutorial below.

image copyright of patchworkdelights

click on link below -

This is just one of many of my wonderful memories, go on share yours...

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